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Valkyrie Biography

Full Name: Soleil "Sun" Duvernay-Lateralus

Nicknames: Sunshine, Sundial, Sunny, Blondie, Sunlight. 

Date of Birth: 1464

ResurrectionMarch 3, 2021 

Birthplace: Valhalla 

Species: Valkyrie

Master vampire, with no sire

Blood Rank: xx

Fully Powered

In a Relationship: Ferris ( Feb 14, 2021 - Present)

Non grid abilities: Teleportation, Time Manipulation, Afterlife Transport, Death- Force Manipulation, Death Inducement-Destiny Assignment, Healing/ Resurrection, Soul Manipulation, Death Sense, 

Sources of Sustenance: Lightening, Blood, and energy from the earth. 

Pets: Two kittens, a black bat named Nella, a raccoon named Luna, two horses named Thor and Star.               


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